Nutrigenomics is defined as the science studying the role of nutrients and bioactive food compounds on gene expression. Whereas the idea of modulating human health by food intake is a millenial concept, the increasing number of research efforts on this field is pointing out that nutrition may exert its impact on health outcomes by directly affecting the expression of genes involved in critical metabolic pathways. Nowadays its widely accepted that cellular processes spanning from gene expression to protein synthesis can be regulated by dietary compounds. However there is a limited understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms which are involved. NutriGenomeDB makes use of publicly available gene expression data obtained from nutrigenomics experiments in order to bring a the first platform for nutrigenomics data exploration.

15/11/2021: Upgrade! 56 new nutrigenomics experiments added to the database (287 in total)

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If you find NutriGenomeDB useful please cite us:
Data mining of nutrigenomics experiments: Identification of a cancer protective gene signature . Martín-Hernández R., Reglero G., Dávalos A. The Journal of Functional Foods 2019, 42, 380-386.
NutriGenomeDB: a nutrigenomics exploratory and analytical platform . Martín-Hernández R., Reglero G., Ordovás J.M., Dávalos A. Database 2019, Volume 2019.

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